Planetology 101


The Planetology 101 Series will be unfolding during 2025.

We begin our exploration of planets and planetoids by looking at our own moon, known in astrophysics databases, as 'Luna'.

How old are the Lunar Seas?
Did the Lunar Seas really form from asteroid impacts?
What other ways could the Lunar Seas have formed?
Is the moon really moving away from the Earth at 38mm per year?

All these questions and more will be answered via video during the coming year.

Bitchute Channel:

Youtube Channel:


Planetology 101
continues here...

Question 3:
Is the moon really moving away from the Earth at 38mm per year?

7 Proofs why the moon is NOT receding at 38mm per year.




Bitchute Video:


  Bitchute Channel:

Youtube Channel:


Instant Gravity

21st century computational astrophysics

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