This software depicts the laws of Special Relativity and General Relativity in an evolutionary algorithm. It was developed to examine how gravity propagating at the velocity of light from General Relativity affects the orbits of binary star systems. It also demonstrates how the limit at the velocity of light from Special Relativity affects eccentric orbits. It was designed to analyze at the gravitational wave experiment LIGO gw150914. To download OGS11 (0.7mb) Click:

The program orbit-gravity-sim-11.exe has been tested on
Win7, Win10, & WinXP

If your PC is set to use the comma as a decimal separator,
then this app won't work so good.

Help files on how to use this software are here:
Simulator physics of OGS11

Released 11 March 2017
by Jonathan Ainsley Bain, South Africa


  Screenshot of Relativity Software OGS11

Screenshot of Relativity Software

The article which discusses these findings is here in full:
(4mb, 37 pages)

or you can see the brief summaries of each sub-section here:
Analysis of GW150914 in html






The next software package is orbit-gravity-sim-12.exe which applies the various principles and formulae from Relativity to the solar system.

relativity software download

The program orbit-gravity-sim-12.exe (2mb) has been tested on
Win7, Win10, & WinXP

Help files on how to use this software are here:
Simulator physics of OGS12

Released 13 March 2018
by Jonathan Ainsley Bain, South Africa

  Screenshot of Relativity Software OGS12


The article which discusses these findings is here in full:

5.5 mb, 57 pages, this pdf file is too big for chrome, use firefox)

or you can see the brief summaries of each sub-section here:
Relativity and the Planets Orbits in html

You may also wish to have a look at software
of multiple orbit systems in a Newtonian paradigm:
Triple-orbit software and Multi-orbit software





Relativity orbit software


Software download for relativity orbits