Gravitational Wave Lensing


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Assume a black-hole gives off gravitational waves. These gravitational waves pass through a galaxy that is half way to an observer. What we have to consider computationally, is whether the gravity of the galaxy will bend the gravitational waves that originated from the black-hole, distorting them before they reach the observer. So the abbreviated question is:

Will gravitational-lensing curve gravitational waves like it curves light?

More simply: Does the force of gravity effect the force of gravity?

Now many readers will answer ‘no’ instinctively to these questions. But there are very clear computational reasons for asking them. As this diagram demonstrates, the gravitational effect of the black-hole could be slightly increased for the observer on the other side of the galaxy if gravitational waves are curved in the same manner that light is curved by gravitational-lensing.

General Relativity is part of the structural model in this scenario. And yet, regardless of whether or not the gravitational waves that originate from the black-hole are distorted by the gravity of the galaxy, the structure of this model results in computational contradictions. Let me explain why:

If the gravity of the galaxy does distort the gravitational waves from the black-hole, as depicted, then this is because according to General Relativity, the gravity from the galaxy is synonymous with the space around that galaxy being curved. So the gravitational waves which pass through that curved space must of course curve and distort with the curvature of that space! So we have to conclude that gravitational waves actually effect each other in this model.

Can you see the problem with this scenario yet?

You see; a black-hole is gravitationally so strong, that light (which obviously moves at the velocity of light) cannot escape its enormous gravitational effect. So gravitational waves, which are likewise traveling at that same velocity (of light), would also not be able to escape the curved space around the black-hole that they themselves have generated!

In this scenario, space is actually curved by gravity according to General Relativity. Computationally, a black-hole would thus in effect give off zero gravity, which is clearly a contradiction, so this scenario fails!

It fails because the curved space around the black-hole is too extreme for anything traveling at the velocity of light to escape from. The gravitational waves traveling at the velocity of light through that curved space cannot escape the pit which they themselves cause! But do not be too alarmed, it all eventually adds up.


How do we compute the energy loss required to emit the gravitational waves; when directly applied to the gravitational lensing of photons? Remember that the energy required to emit gravitons is obtained by slowing down the source object.

If there is a loss in velocity of either the massive gravitational body that curves the photon – or the photon itself – then we have violated the velocity of light of the photon! In order to preserve the velocity of light, neither the photon nor the heavy body that is emitting the gravitational waves can lose the velocity required – to source the energy – to emit the graviton – to curve the light!!

So where could the energy come from for the gravitons which cause gravitational lensing? If the source object loses velocity then the photon no longer moves at the velocity of light in relation to it...

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This is an extract summary
The full Chapter 28 is here:





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