Size of the Universe



Size of the Universe

The circumference of the Universe is 54.8 billion light-years.
This implies that the 4d radius is 8.72 billion light years.
The shape of the Universe is: a 3d-hyper-surface on top of a 4d-hyper-sphere.

The relationship between the radius and the observed distance light has traveled (13.7 billion light years) appears paradoxical. This is because the light has not traveled in a straight line through 4d-space, even though it appears to have traveled in a straight line through 13.7 billion light-years of 3d-space. Instead light travels in a 4d-curve. (See sections previous).

The volume is: 1.1x10^70 km^3.
The density is about: 2.7x10^-18 kg/km^3.
The mass is: 3x10^52 kg.

I am most certain as to the accuracy of the volume, whilst other theories of the mass seem to get the same result as I do. Though I have not yet seen any other account that offers details on how this is attained.


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